VHI Women’s Mini-Marathon

Join Team RMHC at this year's VHI Women's Mini Marathon

By taking part in the Mini Marathon you will be supporting families with seriously ill children in hospital.

Join hundreds of others who’ll be taking part in this event on Sunday, June 2nd 2024

Here’s how to join: 

  1. Visit the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon website to get your race number vhiwomensminimarathon.ie
  2. Register on the form below for your fundraising pack including your free T-Shirt 
  3. Activate your bespoke enthuse online fundraising page created after registration 

If you have any questions, please email Joanne at [email protected]  

Thanks so much for supporting The Ronald McDonald House and we wish you all the best in the Vhi Women’s Mini Marathon.


Donate with cash or card on the day

Fundraise between the day you book and the day you cook

Employer matching programs